Why Isn't Coffee Giving Me Energy?

August 8, 2024 · John Gallagher
why isnt coffee giving me energy

Why Isn’t Coffee Giving Me the Energy I Need?

65% of all American citizens, or 169 million people, drink coffee every day. One study even found that coffee has overtaken water as the most popular drink in the U.S. We rely on caffeine to provide a much-needed boost of energy, typically at the beginning of the day — except when it doesn’t.

Have you ever sipped cup after cup of coffee, expecting to feel that jolt, but it doesn’t come? If so, you’re not alone. A tolerance over time, the timing of the drink, dehydration, and overconsumption can all minimize how effective coffee can be.

Tolerance Build-Up

One of the primary reasons why coffee may not be effective is a tolerance over time. When you consume caffeine regularly, your body can become accustomed to the taste and its effects. That means you’ll need to drink more coffee, or a stronger dosage, to feel the same energy-providing effects. This tolerance leads to a diminishing return on total energy over time.

To avoid building up this tolerance, consider taking periodic breaks from caffeine. This helps to reset your coffee tolerance to normal levels.

Even if you’re resetting your tolerance to caffeine, you don’t need to stop consuming coffee altogether. Instead, consider drinking decaffeinated coffee, or coffee with a much lower degree of caffeine. You can also try consuming lemon water or herbal tea for at least a couple weeks before reintroducing fully caffeinated coffee.


Caffeine is a diuretic. This means it increases your urine production, particularly if you’re not accustomed to consuming caffeine in a high dose. Over time, caffeine can lead to dehydration after urine loss. Dehydration can leave you feeling sluggish and tired, which sometimes creates  an unhealthy reliance on caffeine that perpetuates the coffee-dehydration cycle.

If you drink coffee, particularly if you drink coffee throughout the day, make sure you balance caffeine intake with water intake. Staying hydrated can help counteract the dehydrating effects of caffeine.

Poor Quality Coffee

Not all coffee is created equal. Low-quality beans or poorly-brewed coffee do not provide the same energy-enhancing benefits as a high-quality brew.

If low-quality coffee is keeping you from an energized morning, there’s a simple solution: invest in better-quality coffee. Purchase high-quality coffee beans and grind them fresh before brewing. Make sure you also use the right water temperature and steeping time and steeping time for even better results.


Coffee, with its caffeine content, can be a double-edged sword. While a moderate amount of coffee can provide a boost of energy, excessive consumption can lead to a variety of negative outcomes:

  • Jitters and nervousness: Drinking too much coffee can make you feel jittery and anxious. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, which can lead to restlessness, rapid heart rate, and even palpitations.
  • Insomnia: Caffeine is a stimulant that can disrupt your sleep patterns. Consuming coffee too late in the day or in large quantities can interfere with your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep, leading to insomnia.
  • Digestive issues: Coffee is acidic, and excessive intake can irritate the lining of the stomach, potentially causing indigestion, acid reflux, or gastritis. It can also act as a diuretic, leading to increased bowel movements.
  • Caffeine dependence and withdrawal: Regularly overindulging in coffee can lead to caffeine dependency. When you don't get your caffeine fix, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Mood swings: Excessive caffeine consumption can contribute to mood swings, with periods of heightened alertness followed by crashes in energy levels and mood. This can affect your overall emotional well-being.
  • Elevated heart rate and blood pressure: High doses of caffeine can lead to elevated heart rate and blood pressure, which can be risky for individuals with certain pre-existing heart conditions.

Coffee can be an invigorating, stimulating drink. However, it’s important to consume it in moderation to avoid the above health effects.

Timing of Your Coffee

The timing of your coffee plays a critical role in how effective it is. Most people drink coffee in the minutes after waking up. However, drinking coffee too early can prevent you from getting your full dose of energy.

Your body’s cortisol levels typically peak in the morning. This provides a surge of natural alertness, separate from what coffee can offer. To better time your coffee with your body’s natural processes, try waiting an hour or so for your first cup. Wake up, complete your morning routine, even begin work before your first cup of caffeine. Instead, in the minutes after you wake up, try taking a walk or engaging in light exercise to jumpstart your body’s energy.

Lack of Nutritional Support

Many people rely on coffee for a morning burst of energy. However, coffee alone is not enough to provide all of the energy you need for the day. It’s also important to consume a healthy diet, one with multiple portions of fruits and vegetables.

Consider pairing your coffee with a nutritious breakfast for a sustainable source of energy. Here are some key aspects to consider:

  • Macronutrients: Your body needs carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for energy production. When you consume coffee without proper nutrition, you may experience a quick energy boost followed by a crash as your body lacks the necessary nutrients for sustained vitality.
  • Vitamins and minerals: Nutrients like vitamins and minerals play essential roles in energy metabolism. For example, B-vitamins, such as B12 and folate, help convert food into energy. A deficiency in these vitamins can lead to fatigue.
  • Fiber for sustained energy: Fiber-rich foods provide a steady release of energy by regulating blood sugar levels and preventing rapid spikes and crashes.
  • Protein: Neglecting protein in your diet can lead to muscle weakness and fatigue. Your body needs protein to repair and maintain muscle tissue.

A lack of nutritional support can impair how effective your coffee is. Focus on a well-balanced diet that’s rich in essential nutrients.

Beyond your nutrition, your level of sleep also goes a long way toward determining how effective your coffee is. If you’re already waking up tired, coffee will only be so effective in delivering an energy jolt. For best results, your bedtime routine and sleep materials should leave you rested and refreshed — setting the stage for the full benefits of morning coffee.

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