Throughout the year, you will probably have many guests visit you. Family members who come for special events and holidays, friends who come just to spend time with you, even friends of your children having a sleepover. Do you have enough places for them to sleep?
To avoid embarrassment or putting your family and friends in uncomfortable situations (literally), here are a few options to serve as guest sleeping solutions.
Guest Sleeping Solutions
1.) Air Mattress
This one isn’t groundbreaking, but it still makes the list. If you don’t have one already, air mattresses are a relatively inexpensive and comfortable sleeping solution. You'll want to throw some thick sheets on it, along with high-quality pillows and cozy blankets to maximize comfort. If you keep your house on the cooler side, consider providing a weighted blanket. To ensure the air mattress is sturdy, consider putting something underneath it, such as a heavy blanket or thick rug.
If you are setting up the air mattress in a public area of the house, like the living room, remember to be mindful of your guests’ presence the following morning. The worst part about not having a real room to sleep in is the lack of a door, and therefore the lack of privacy. Make your guests feel as secluded as possible. Draw the curtains so they are not woken by sunlight at the crack of dawn, and if you have to cross through the living room for whatever reason, make sure to be very quiet so they’ll sleep through the night.
2.) The Couch
The couch is an obvious solution, but not always a comfortable one. Nobody wants to sleep feeling cramped and confined. If the length of the couch is an issue, then it’s probably not an option. However, if it’s just too narrow, you can make it more spacious by pushing another couch or futon similar in height and length up to it. This will give your guest more leg room to stretch and move during the night.
If you’re unsure if your couch contains a sofa bed, just check. Is it the heaviest thing in the world to try to lift? Chances are it contains a sofa bed. Where a couch can typically only fit one person, it’s likely that a pull-out bed will be able to fit two guests, or maybe even three if you're looking for a good place for multiple children.
3.) Camping Indoors for Kids
Speaking of children, the importance of sleep for kids can’t be overstated. When it comes to hosting children, sleeping bags are a great option. They are warm, easy to clean up, and convenient. If you want to make it something the kids are excited about, consider pitching a tent in your house and putting the sleeping bags inside the tent. This makes it a fun, unique experience that they will be eager to try out. Just be careful to put the tent in an infrequently used area of the house.
You can place comfortable pillows underneath the sleeping bag for extra support and warmth. In this case, thinner pillows are better so your guests don’t strain their necks during the night due to the height difference between the sleeping bag and pillow.
Kids also love bean bag chairs (if you happen to have one). These don’t necessarily require a pillow, just a cozy blanket. Sleeping bags or bean bag chairs are fun temporary beds for guests and viable sleeping options for the night.
4.) The Guest Room
Nothing beats a real mattress. If you have a guest room, that is any guests’ preferred option. However, guest rooms are often neglected, rarely visited parts of the house, and for that reason they are not always comfortable guest bed options.
To combat this, make sure you prep the room before your guest stays in it. Fresh sheets and pillowcases, soft blankets and high-quality pillows are the way to go. If not already present, add homey touches like curtains, a bedside lamp, a small fan, etc., to make them as snug as possible so they don’t leave their vacation sleep deprived.
Make Your House Their House
Making your guests’ comfortable should always be a priority. It’s common to retire an old master bedroom mattress to the guest bedroom — but that doesn’t mean it’ll magically become comfortable again. Give your guest bedroom a makeover and reset the sleep system with a new mattress from Mattress Warehouse.
Mattress Warehouse has the best deals on mattresses and mattress financing options. Don't let your guests leave your home groggy and tired. Make them feel comfortable by shopping at your local Mattress Warehouse.