Over the past few years, many people have come to enjoy their weighted blankets. No matter the weight, the feeling you get when one is on top of you is hard to beat. You feel more relaxed, less stressed – it’s as if there’s this overwhelming sense of peace covering you. One question is still up in the air, though … how do you clean a weighted blanket?
Weighted blankets are filled with a variety of things, from plastic beads to sand and everything in between. When you’re talking about a 14- to 25-pound weighted blanket (or even heavier), cleaning it properly becomes somewhat of a chore. This is why it’s important to learn the right way to clean a weighted blanket.
Can You Wash a Weighted Blanket in the Washer?
Any type of bedding you purchase will have instructions on how to clean it. Weighted blankets are no exception. Most weighted blankets come with one of the following instructions:
- Machine Wash and Dry: This means that it’s OK to throw your weighted blanket in the washer and dryer. You’ll want to make sure that it’s the only thing in the washer and dryer when it’s time to clean, though. You’ll also want to avoid hot water and fabric softeners. It would also be best to run your blanket on the gentle cycle. As for drying, go with a light or medium setting and make sure to stop the dryer and fluff the blanket every once in a while to make sure it gets dried.
- Machine Wash, Air Dry: The same rules apply when using the washing machine here, but you’ll need to avoid using the dryer. Instead, spread out the weighted blanket to let it dry, shaking it every so often to make sure the inner fill is evenly distributed.
- Machine Wash, Cover Only: Owning a weighted blanket with a removable cover makes cleaning it so much easier. In this instance, just remove the cover from the blanket and wash it according to the instructions on the label. You can either let it air dry or use the dryer on a low setting, depending on what the instructions tell you to do.
- Spot Clean or Dry Clean Only: Because of the materials used to fill the blanket, it might not be possible to put it in the washing machine. In that case, you’ll need to either spot clean the blanket or taking it to be dry cleaned. When spot cleaning, be sure to use a gentle stain remover and cold water. Afterward, let it air dry. As for the dry cleaners, they’ll know what to do to clean it.
Best Way to Clean a Weighted Blanket
There really is no one right way to clean a weighted blanket, but there are a lot of wrong ways. Considering some weighted blankets can weigh 50 pounds, it’s good know to that anything heavier than 25 pounds probably shouldn’t be put in the washer or dryer. This is not only for the good of your blanket, but also for the good of your appliances. Remember, 25 pounds is roughly the equivalent in heaviness to a car tire.
As long as you follow the instructions on the weighted blanket or, if you can’t find those instructions, look up the cleaning instructions on the website of the company that makes the weighted blanket. It will be there.
A weighted blanket can provide you with a lot of physical and mental help, but only as long as you take care of it. If it’s time to look for a new weighted blanket, or you’ve never owned one and would like to see what all the fuss is about, then be sure to check out the collection of weighted blankets at Mattress Warehouse.
Look for your nearest Mattress Warehouse store to learn more about weighted blankets. You can also speak to one of our online sleep experts. It’s time you got the rest you deserve, and the folks at Mattress Warehouse are here to help.